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+49 30 804 98 48-0




We love to develop properties

The name HGHI has always represented professional management of large commercial properties, efficient management at the highest level, and the planning, design and realization of great visions.

We build

livable environments

HGHI is one of Berlin's leading real estate project developers, investors and builders.

Our owner-managed company was founded in 2007 and currently employs around 100 people. We have created and successfully marketed more than 1,000,000 sqm of retail, office and residential space to date. One of our largest and best-known projects is the Mall of Berlin at Leipziger Platz 12, which is home to around 300 stores on 76,000 sqm of retail space.



We want to be the best.

We love to develop properties. According to this principle, we not only realize outstanding projects, but we also play a decisive role in shaping Berlin's skyline. We want to be the best. We have the courage to try something new. We act quickly and decisively and see change as an opportunity. We are creative, innovative and think outside the box. We consistently push things forward and continue to develop.

1,000,000 sqm of success commit.

HGHI has optimally integrated all disciplines of the real estate industry. In addition to commercial and residential, we can look back on a wealth of international experience, particularly in the area of shopping centers, which already includes more than 1,000,000 sqm of successfully marketed retail and office space.

We are excited.

Enthusiasm, discipline and commitment - these values are our daily motivation and the basis for sustainable success. We meet the highest quality standards and create the extraordinary. We are convinced that our projects reflect exactly this. We are a team. Giving our best to make the seemingly impossible possible. This includes the commitment to work for us with full dedication, to take on new challenges dynamically and to realize goals with perfection.



What we value at HGHI!

HGHI's corporate values are the foundation for achieving the company's goals and strategies. Everyone at HGHI should identify with these values. They are mandatory for everyone at all times, are lived and shared, and determine our daily thoughts and actions.


We work with employees who value punctuality, discipline and diligence. With these qualities, we always manage to reliably convince our project partners, our tenants and the city of Berlin of our performance.

Inner strength

Our attitude and appearance are positive. By striving for our own inner attitude, we reach the goal. Satisfaction and the joy of our own performance play a decisive role in this.


We love challenges. We consider changes to be opportunities and consistently drive things forward. We can only do this with employees who think ahead and are always top-prepared.


Activeness for us means to act actively and with positive energy. We try to spread this energy even in difficult situations and approach our tasks with confidence. In doing so, we are a bit like Berlin: always building something, always tackling, never squeamish.


Our projects are exceptional. They are demanding and challenging. We dare to take on the challenges that come our way with no fear. With high commitment and enthusiasm, we exceed expectations and positively surprise our customers and partners.

Mental attitude

We want to be the best. Courageously, we make our decisions. The fact that we always maintain our positive attitude and enthusiasm towards our tasks, even in stressful moments, is our daily drive and the basis for sustainable success.


We try to do everything so that you enjoy working in our team. And we trust that this enjoyment of work will motivate you to give your best. This includes a high sense of duty and the willingness to complete tasks in the highest quality and to help each other in stressful phases. We face up to new challenges and complete them quickly, reliably and responsibly.

Learning ability

We create the space for new things. We don't stop asking questions, are open to new ideas and look over the edge. Through our critical faculties and curiosity, we are capable of learning, developing and initiating change.


Our teamwork is based on team spirit. Helping each other, give and take, support and listen are the key to successful action. This also includes the willingness to do extra work and support each other in situations where things get tight.


We realize outstanding projects and play a decisive role in shaping the skyline of Berlin. Only with the willingness of employees who are fully committed, passionate and enthusiastic about the cause, it is possible to realize these outstanding projects.



What we care about.

Our daily work is based on reliability, responsibility and trust. We are committed to these values as a company and connect people through our social engagement.

Big gala for a good cause.

Every year, more than 2,000 guests from the media, politics and business meet at the Deutsche Oper Berlin for a good cause. We are also part of this event.

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Big gala for a good cause

Every year, more than 2,000 guests from the media, politics and business meet at the Berlin Opera House for a good cause. The German Aids Foundation invites them to the festive gala.


On the one hand, the evening brings the stars of the international opera scene to the capital without the need to travel to Venice, London, Moscow or New York. On the other hand, the high-ranking guests also stand for the acceptance of the topic of HIV. So far, almost all German presidents have been guests.

HGHI has already made several donations to the Board of Trustees of the German AIDS Foundation. The board of trustees advises the board of directors on the realization of the foundation's purposes and makes suggestions for increasing the proceeds from benefit events and donations. This year, HGHI will again participate as a sponsor of the Board of Trustees at the Gala Concert on November 27, 2021.

Support in Gifted Education


The HGHI provides the Anna Lindh School with € 5,000 for the expansion and maintenance of its concept of gifted education.

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Support in Gifted Education

For more than 15 years, the support of highly gifted children has been an integral and successful part of the school profile of the Anna Lindh Elementary School in Wedding. Children with outstanding talents and high cognitive abilities are thus supported and challenged with course offerings and enriched school material in addition to their regular lessons. The program at the Anna Lindh School, which is otherwise financed through Senate funds, is now receiving additional support from the business community. HGHI is providing the elementary school with €5,000 to expand and maintain its concept of gifted education.

„As a Berlin project developer, we not only have a high responsibility towards the city and our tenants and business partners, but also towards society. It is therefore in our duty and interest to make our contribution outside our own operations as well. It is a matter close to our hearts to support the Anna Lindh School in promoting gifted children. In particular, children from socially disadvantaged families are thus given the opportunity to develop their talents and continue to develop in a targeted manner.“, emphasizes Harald Gerome Huth, owner and managing director of HGHI Holding GmbH. Especially in the case of children from risk groups, giftedness can easily be overlooked or not recognized in time, since the social situation sometimes does not allow the gifted potential to be translated into adequate behavioral performance.

„The aim of our school is to respond extremely flexibly to the respective individual support needs of our highly gifted students through the many offers. We are very grateful to HGHI for their generous donation. With the financial support we can offer another chess club to enable the students to participate in competitions. In addition, we are now able to finance around 900 licenses for the SchoolFox digital learning platform, which is urgently needed during the Corona pandemic to share learning content online“, explains Mathias Hörold, principal of the Anna Lindh School.

HGHI supports employees in childcare

The Corona pandemic is challenging for so many families. HGHI is providing relief for working parents during the crisis by offering in-house childcare.

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HGHI supports employees in childcare

The Corona pandemic is a challenge for many families. Due to daycare and school closures nationwide, working parents are currently forced to organize work and childcare at the same time. In order to provide the best possible relief for employees at HGHI with children during the Corona crisis, owner and CEO Harald Gerome Huth has organized "in-house child care" for the company at short notice, which families may use free of charge.


„In-house child care helps my company to respond flexibly and quickly to employees' family commitments. Thanks to this model, parents can bring their children to the company in this emergency and exceptional situation and have them looked after by professional staff“, H. G. Huth.

Since the beginning of May, an educator and a sociopedagogical assistant have been available for childcare in the Mendelssohn-Palais, the company headquarters of HGHI, from Monday to Friday between 08:00-17:00. A bright room with rubber flooring, which was previously used as a sports room, has been made suitable for children so that they can play with their toys undisturbed. In the course of this week, a small playground will additionally be built in the courtyard, so that the children can also let off steam outdoors.

Help for the Homeless

In the capital, about 40,000 people live on the streets. That is why we support the City Mission with work assignments and clothing donations.

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Help for the Homeless

In the capital, about 40,000 people live on the streets. For many of them, the winter is the hardest time of the year. And the employees of the Berlin City Mission have plenty to do. Every day, the cold bus is on the road to bring homeless people to a shelter where they can find a warm place to sleep and medical care.


In addition to clothing donations, numerous HGHI employees volunteered during the winter months to prepare and serve meals at the Kältehilfte emergency shelter at Berlin's main train station. HGHI trainees also organized a Christmas goose dinner for the homeless at the homeless shelter in Reinickendorf.

„It is worrying how many people live on the streets in Berlin. For us, it is a matter of course that we help“, emphasizes HGHI Managing Director Harald Gerome Huth.

Click here for the donation video of the Berliner Stadtmission.

Donation for children's home

HGHI donated several personal computers and printers to the Elisabethstift children's home and supported the social institution with a financial donation.

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Donation for children's home

Often retired computers from companies end up in the dumpster, while they are missing in educational institutions. HGHI donated several computers and printers to the Elisabethstift children's home and supported the social institution with a financial donation.


„As a Berlin-based company, we consider it our duty to support social institutions and projects in the capital. Our employees are also happy to make their own personal contribution to this cause“, emphasized HGHI managing director and owner Harald Gerome Huth at the handover of donations in the Mendelssohn-Palais. Through a call for donations within the staff, clothing and toys were also collected for the Berlin children's and youth welfare facility.

The children's home Elisabethstift, founded in 1826 and headquartered in Berlin-Hermsdorf, currently has 215 residential places for children and young people with a wide range of offers for outpatient, partial inpatient and inpatient help. The goal of the facility is to provide assistance to the residents and their families in order to lead an independent life, independent of state assistance.

A multicultural togetherness

We support the Multicultural Youth Integration Center, which is dedicated to the integration and educational promotion of children and young people.

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Multiculturality is the future

Supporting children and young people in their personal, social and professional development is one of the most valuable investments in the future.


For this reason, HGHI supports the Multicultural Youth Integration Center e.V. (MJI) from Berlin-Charlottenburg, which has been dedicated to the integration and educational support of children and young people from low-income families since 2011.

HGHI has provided the association with 10,000 € for the care of children and young people from socially disadvantaged families and the maintenance of the multicultural facility.

„Our team is made up of employees from a wide range of nationalities, and the topic of diversity is an important part of our company philosophy. Therefore, it is a matter of the heart for us to support the educational initiative of the Multicultural Youth Integration Center.“, emphasizes HGHI Managing Director Harald Gerome Huth.

A contribution to the environment

A world without bees would be unthinkable for our biodiversity and thus for our survival. That is why we have taken on a bee sponsorship.

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A contribution to the environment

A world without bees would be unthinkable for our biodiversity and thus for our survival. This is because bees play an important ecological role by pollinating plants.


According to the environmental organization Greenpeace, one-third of our food (vegetables, fruits, nuts and spices) relies on insects for pollination.

Many beekeepers, on the other hand, complain about a decline in their bee populations - for example, due to freak weather or the use of pesticides. Against this background, HGHI supports the Salubria apiary in Calau (Lower Lusatia) with a bee sponsorship.

In southern Brandenburg, 40 percent of bee colonies died in the past two years. With financial support from the HGHI, Salubria is pushing ahead with the breeding and propagation of bee colonies. The bee experts cooperate closely with agriculture and provide farmers with seeds for flowering strips.

Clothing for children in care

The association Laughing Hearts e.V. and the Mall of Berlin provided around 200 home children from Berlin and Brandenburg with new clothing. These were exclusively new goods.

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Clothing for children in care

The association Laughing Hearts e.V. and the Mall of Berlin provided around 200 home children from Berlin and Brandenburg with new clothing: from jackets and coats to jeans pants and sweaters to caps and shoes. These were exclusively new goods.


In preparation for job interviews and internships, the young people aged 12 to 20 also received useful styling tips from stylist Julia Weller and well-known Berlin fashion blogger Boris Alexander Stein.

The aim of Laughing Hearts e.V. is to support children in care in individual matters that go beyond general basic care. In accordance with their wishes, the children are to be enabled to integrate into existing leisure and educational activities outside the facility. Individual support is provided within the framework of the service catalog, which covers the four main areas of sport, education, health and leisure. Learn more:

Traffic education for children

The non-profit traffic initiative "Blicki blickts" of Blicki e.V. organized interactive traffic workshops for children in the Sankt Annen Gallery Brandenburg.

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Traffic education for children

The non-profit traffic initiative "Blicki blickts" of Blicki e.V. held interactive traffic workshops for children in the Sankt Annen Gallery Brandenburg. The aim of the initiative is to sharpen children's awareness in road traffic and to increase awareness of the dangers of large vehicles and trucks.


Since its founding in 2016, more than 21,000 children aged 5-10 years have already been taught the basics of safe participation in road traffic nationwide in a playful and interactive way.

"I want parents not to have to be worried about their children in road traffic. Politicians and the automobile industry have a joint responsibility in this regard. Technical options that are already available, such as turn assistants, must become standard. At the same time, we need to promote the awareness of children in road traffic. I therefore expressly welcome non-profit initiatives such as the Blicki e.V. day of action and am happy to support them.“, says Steffen Scheller, Mayor of the city of Brandenburg an der Havel.

© HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)