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+49 30 804 98 48-0




Press & Media contact

Do you have questions, ideas, suggestions?

Would you like an interview or do you need background information about our company? Then get in touch with us. Your contact persons in the corporate communications department of HGHI Holding GmbH will inform you directly, comprehensively and quickly. We look forward to the dialog with you!

HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone.: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)

Press distribution

Would you like to receive regular press releases about HGHI? We will be happy to add you to our distribution list.

Please register by e-mail.

© HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)