We care
for our future
Sustainable thinking and responsible action are part of HGHI's corporate identity. In addition to economic interests, we systematically consider environmental, social and societal aspects in our operational decisions and processes. Economic success, integrity and social responsibility are equally important goals for HGHI.

Competent staff
- Competence and training
- Health and workplace safety
- Employee satisfaction
- Anti-discrimination

Sustainable communities
- Involvement of tenants
- Impacts on local communities
- Health and safety of the end users

We feel
As a medium-sized real estate company, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, which came into force at the beginning of 2016. The SDGs include 17 concrete targets for politics, civil society and the economy to make the world fairer and more equitable by 2030.
Our activities have a wide range of impacts on the environment and society along our value chain. With our project development activities and the management of our portfolio properties, we make a contribution to the achievement of the SDGs.
Health and well-being

To provide our employees and customers buildings and spaces that optimize their comfort, health, safety and well-being through the use of safe, environmentally friendly materials and smart design.
Affordable and clean energy

Implementation of measures and use of modern technologies and materials to reduce energy consumption of real estate and increased use of renewable energy.
Human dignity, work and economic growth

We participate in the economic growth of communities by creating numerous jobs in Germany through our project developments and real estate.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure

With our properties, we develop high-quality, sustainable and resilient infrastructure. We also promote local economic development in local communities.
Climate protection measures

We align our real estates with climate protection requirements. We ensure the use of sustainable resources in all new construction projects. We reduce greenhouse gas emissions in particular by implementing energy-efficient properties.
Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden

Wir schaffen nachhaltige Immobilien, die integrative, belebte Städte fördern. Wir sind aktiver Teil-nehmer an der Entwicklung und am Wachstum großer Städte.