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Mendelssohn Palais

A historical jewel


and Figures

The place

to be a little proud of

The Mendelssohn-Palais enriches HGHI's portfolio of existing properties. The careful renovation took over a year to complete. The imposing Mendelssohn-Palais, which was built in 1891-1893 for the banking house Mendelssohn & Co. in neoclassical style, captivates with various striking features, such as a traditional character, magnificent fixtures and architectural features as well as imposing works of art and architecture. Thanks to its central location in Berlin Mitte, the listed building, which has largely been preserved in its original state, is optimally connected to Berlin's airports and long-distance train stations. The location in Berlin's former banking district is testimony to a wide range of cultural, political, tourism and business activities.

The Mendelssohn-Palais was renovated and modernized by HGHI Holding GmbH for over a year before moving in.

© HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)