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Sankt Annen Galerie

Brandenburg attractive center strengthens the economic power of the city.


and Figures

The place

in Brandenburg

In the Sankt Annen Galerie, HGHI has created space for the largest tenant and brand expertise in Brandenburg. In addition to an attractive mix of sectors, the shopping center also attracts customers from near and far with its varied gastronomy and exciting range of events. Thanks to its central location in the immediate vicinity of the historic city center and the pedestrian zone, the Sankt Annen Galerie is a daily destination for around 30,000 visitors. The Sankt Annen Galerie thus makes a not inconsiderable contribution to strengthening the city's economy.

© HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)