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+49 30 804 98 48-0





Historic destination resurrected


and Figures

The place

to stay

Thanks to its direct location on the lake in the middle of the local recreation area, the new Wannseeterrassen is a popular excursion restaurant with an excellent reputation. The architecture is based on the original plans of the original Wannseeterrassen, which stood on the same site and were already considered a highly popular excursion restaurant at the time. The modern design offers optimal possibilities of use for any kind of restaurant operation and events. The 8,500 m² property has seating for 850, 500 of which are on the terrace with a breathtaking view over Wannsee and the Havel River.

© HGHI Holding GmbH
Jägerstraße 49/50
D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 804 98 48-0
Fax: +49 30 804 98 48-11

E-Mail: hghi(at)